Making Chiropractic A Way of Life

Helping people live life to the fullest


Since the pandemic, there has been a heightened awareness towards observing a healthier lifestyle. Consumers are now more focused on habits that promote wellness such as regular exercise, balanced diet and mental health, and are also more open to trying different products and services.

On that note, meet the head at Chiropractic First @ The Waterfront in Desa ParkCity, whose mission is to help people with spine care, so that their bodies regain healing to a natural state of wellness and vitality.

Please give a brief introduction of yourself and your practice.

Dr Matt Kan: I’m Dr Matt Kan, the founder, senior consultant and CEO of Chiropractic First Group of Clinics. Chiropractic First is a group of specialist clinics with over 20 years of experience, and we have over 30 clinics across Malaysia, Singapore, China, Indonesia, Spain, and the UK comprising 50 certified and passionate doctors providing quality care and service.

Dr Matt Kan

My team and I have decided on The Waterfront because of its family-friendly surroundings. At that time, we noticed that the beautifully landscaped lake park was super popular amongst families, pets and people of all ages, and thought that our clinic could contribute to the health and wellness of this lively community.

Why have you opted to set up a clinic at The Waterfront?

My team and I decided on The Waterfront because of its family-friendly surroundings. At that time, we noticed that the beautifully landscaped lake park was super popular amongst families, pets and people of all ages, and thought that our clinic could contribute to the health and wellness of this lively community. To date, our clinic here at The Waterfront has been one of our most popular clinics.

Please explain what chiropractic is.

The nervous system relies on the spine. So, any dysfunction of the spine will lead to an oppression of the nervous system. This can lead to symptoms like neck pain, back pain, headaches, migraine and even major organ failures. This is where chiropractic care comes in.

Chiropractic (which means “done by hand” in Greek) is a health care profession concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disorders of the neuro-musculoskeletal system, plus the effects of these disorders on general health.

Chiropractic adjustments involve the manual and precise use of a specific controlled force on a fixated or locked joint (subluxation). This aids in the restoration of joint mobility, therefore alleviating pain and ill health. There is an emphasis on manual techniques which include joint adjustment and/or manipulation with a particular focus on joint dysfunction/subluxation.

What are the benefits of chiropractic?

Chiropractic is primarily used to treat muscles, joints, bones, cartilage, ligaments and tendons where tissue injury caused by a traumatic event can lead to decreased joint mobility. Once diagnosis reveals the malfunctioning areas of the spine, chiropractic adjustments help in correcting the spine.

What are the treatments offered at your practice?

As long as you have a spine, you can benefit from chiropractic care. We help you achieve optimal health via a drug-free and surgery-free approach. Each chiropractic adjustment is tailored to the patient’s age, size and condition. With regular chiropractic care, you will be at your healthiest. So ideally, chiropractic should be a way of life!

Who would benefit from chiropractic care?

Everyone can benefit – it’s never too early or too late to start. We have patients of all generations come together – they often bring their family members to be checked and adjusted too in our clinic, for instance:

Infants and children: Surprisingly, infants and children make up 30% of our patients. This is because significant spinal trauma can occur during birth. Newborns as young as a few weeks old have been brought for adjustments, and chiropractic is very safe for infants and children.

Teenagers and adults: We have youngsters and working adults coming in for adjustments. Usually, they come in with problems that arise from sedentary positions or poor postures at school or work. Their common complaints are headaches, migraines and back pain. By coming in for regular chiropractic care, they find relief and can regain better quality of life.

Seniors: Seniors typically come in with complaints that include low back pain and knee pain which compromise their daily activities like cooking, gardening or caring for their grandchildren. Usually, seniors tend to have more symptoms if they did not care for their bodies when they were younger, as uncorrected subluxation can lead to degeneration.
But it’s never too late to consult your chiropractor for help with your problems.

Chiropractic First Group MY
(The Waterfront)

FF01B 1st floor, The Waterfront, Desa ParkCity, 52200 Kuala Lumpur

Contact: 03-2704 4840
Opening hours:
Monday, Wednesday & Friday
9am–2pm, 3pm–9pm;
Tuesday 9am–10:45am, 2pm–9pm;
Thursday 9am–1:45pm, 3pm–9pm;
Saturday & Sunday 9am–2pm, 4pm–9pm

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