A Green Mindset

ParkCity makes sustainability a way of life

It takes more than just a few standard green features to transform inhospitable terrain into the most liveable townships in Malaysia and Vietnam.


According to the 2021 Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction, buildings accounted for a whopping 36% of global energy demand and 37% of energy-related CO2 emissions in 2020. As such, responsible players in the real estate industry strive to decarbonise the building sector by incorporating authentic sustainability in their designs and constructions, consciously going beyond green tokenism.

At ParkCity, effective engagement with our valued stakeholders has allowed us to understand their concerns and interests. Subsequently, aligning them with our business goals not only ensures greater accountability, but also a more sustainable future. We believe in adopting a holistic approach to sustainability, which encompasses all aspects of our business, including the relationship with our trusted partners. Accordingly, our initiatives in sustainable development are all-inclusive, organic and ongoing, which in turn bolster our value propositions.

Read on to get a glimpse of the various green measures employed in ParkCity townships.

Organic township planning

Projects are planned according to demand, by paying heed to residents’ views and organically adapting to evolving needs. Going above and beyond the provision of basic amenities, we improve accessibility to critical and novel resources. This has promoted
interaction and integration among the local communities.

The International School @ ParkCity
ParkCity Medical Centre
Management and Residents’
Association in all neighbourhoods
Parks to cater for different needs
Introducing dedicated zones in the car parks for electric car-charging stations and recycling collection points
Growing and upgrading the ParkCity TownCenter as an integrated commercial hub

Sustainable urban planning

To mitigate the effects of urbanisation, ParkCity has introduced numerous elements to improve liveability, promote innovation and mitigate negative impact on the environment.

ParkCity’s Approach to Sustainability

To mitigate the effects of urbanisation, ParkCity has introduced numerous elements to improve liveability, promote innovation and mitigate negative impact on the environment.

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