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Will work for coffee

Many need a nice cup of coffee every morning before they start work. But if you’re a true coffee connoisseur, you know that you work for coffee and not the other way around. Let’s see what our coffee aficionados have to say.


Izaak Alias


Coffee, to me, brings peace before a hectic day. The smell and taste of freshly brewed coffee relax me and make me more productive throughout the day. Having my favourite brew at Asera + Co Plaza Arkadia after a long jog in Desa ParkCity is one of the finer things in life that I truly enjoy.



Coffee is a part of my morning routine that I cannot skip. Having a good brew is the best part of waking up, because it serves as my energy booster to help kick-start my day and improve my focus during work.

Living near Desa ParkCity, my favourite coffee place is either Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf or Kosa Coffee. They’re consistent with their standards and their brews provide just the right kick to get through my day.



Coffee means more than just a drink. To me, drinking a nice brew of coffee is a routine to keep me motivated in life, and it’s one of the few joys that I truly appreciate in life.

For the past 10 years of living in Desa ParkCity, brewing my own cup of coffee and pouring it into my favourite mug while enjoying the scenery, serenity and silence have been the best way to start my day.



Coffee is like this magic bean juice which makes everything better. Having a bad day? Coffee makes it better. Feeling happy? Coffee makes you happier. That feeling of coming alive from being half-awake as soon as the smell of heavenly-tasting coffee hits you is the best. As a cafe hopper, Kenny Hill Bakers at Desa ParkCity is my go-to. Coffee and strudels? Yes, take my money!

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